Becoming an Odd Fellow or Rebekah
Any man or a woman of good character, whose life and acts have been worthy and honorable, is eligible for membership. It is required that a member, in good standing, recommends the candidate as worthy of sharing the duties and enjoying the privileges of Odd Fellowship.
Odd Fellowship strictly forbids any interference with one’s religious beliefs or political opinions, either directly or indirectly. It requires:
- Acknowledgement of God and complete obedience of civil laws.
- Membership for both lodges is for men and/or women at least 16 years of age.
- You must have a belief in a supreme being as creator and preserver of the universe.
- You must be loyal to the laws of your country.
- You must display fraternal characteristics of caring for others.
With the Bible placed on an altar and the national flag posted, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows emphasizes a covenant to God and to civil law. No one can become an Odd Fellow/Rebekah unless they:
- are faithful to the God in the religion of their own choosing;
- obedient to the laws of the land in which they live;
- and possess a spirit of wanting to help others.
We seek to elevate the character of mankind by the acts of mutual assistance and the works of unselfish deeds by brothers and sisters working together around their differing personal political and religious practices, we meet to perform harmonious tasks to lessen the trials and adversities of life. We also lift in celebrating the joys of friendship, love and truth.
People join our lodges for two reasons. One is for personal benefit; the other is community benefit. A person might be in need of individual fulfillment and benefit from one of the many programs available through the IOOF. Or they might be offering of their time and commitment to join with others to serve our obligations that build human character and promotes a philosophy of life. Odd Fellows/Rebekahs supplies both opportunities for growth.
Please fill out the form on this page so we can send you a Membership packet. For Minnesota residents only. If you live in another state other than Minnesota, visit to find a contact in your state. Thank you.
There are two podcasts that talk about the Odd Fellows that you may find interesting. They are: The Modern Goat Rider at and Three Links Odd Cast at Check them out!!
To listen to a current podcast of members of Minnesota Friendship Lodge #50 of Northfield, MN talk about the Minnesota Miracle on how these current new members of Friendship Lodge #50 started their journey into Odd Fellowship, click here.
Join Us Today
Please fill out the form below to request membership.
Looking to join a Jurisdiction other than Minnesota, click here to find that contact information.