
Odd fellows are a fraternal order where timeless traditions of values and beliefs are alive and well. This site is dedicated to the thousands of men and women who have so benevolently served under the Odd Fellow or Rebekah lodges. We celebrate over 160 years in Minnesota, and while some values change, we believe that the values we hold are eternal.
Friendship, Love and Truth are the underpinning of our fraternity. We invite you to unite with us in our efforts to make the world a better place in which to live.
This site is pertinent to the membership and programs of the Odd Fellows and Rebekah’s of Minnesota. Everyone is encouraged to use this site to learn the history of Minnesota Odd Fellowship. Members are asked to visit often to stay up-to-date on current events and announcements.
History of the Odd Fellows
The Odd Fellows, also known as The Three Link Fraternity, is one of the oldest and largest non-political and non-sectarian fraternal and service-oriented organization in the world.
Striving to make this world a better place in which to live.
Read the IOOF Non-Discrimination Policy.
Click here to view “Odd Fellow Links and Information Resources.“